Saturday, July 24, 2010

Meet DeAnna

Tonight we had our whole team get together for some last-minute preparations, steak dinner, and prayer. This marks the first time we've all gotten together as a complete team.

Hannah and I had a chance to talk a little more with team members we don't know as well, and DeAnna, sitting behind the couch, shared some with us about her life.

She is one of the few people on our team who actually speaks Spanish. For her it started out teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) classes to Hispanics. She realized it was important for her to learn some of the lingo, and she began receiving language training from her students as well. She also knows some sign language as well. DeAnna will be teaching 3rd & 4th graders during the VBS this year.

**For those of you who don't know, Hannah was feeling ill the other day (a cold, we think), but she is feeling better now. I just hope the traveling tomorrow doesn't knock her out.**

1 comment:

  1. Will be praying for safe and enjoyable travels for all, and for Hannah's health.

    Sharon (Mom)
